what do you all think about how people have been protesting the last few years over places that are using "happy holidays" instead of "merry christmas"?
i have some thoughts on the matter, but would also like to hear your thoughts on the matter instead of just telling you all what i think you should think :)
I think what bothers me most are the people that freak out about the whole "Happy Holidays" deal. I totally understand the fact that companies need to reach to a diverse population to be successful. The fact is, there is more than one religion in America, and, while we believe that Christianity is the only true path to God, to ignore the other religions, and their holidays, would be a form of discrimination.
I need to keep in mind that I have no right to rip into, or degrade these type of people because there were a number of years that I would have fallen into this category. There was a statement in a book we just read with the Youth Team, "Evangelism Without Additives" by Jim Henderson, it was something like, we are not called to be defenders of God, he can do that fine himself, we are called to be disciples of Christ, here to carry out the Great Commission.
While these type of people may be doing this with the best intentions, I feel that they may be causing more harm than good.
thanks for sharing sean. i agree w/ your comment that demanding everyone to celebrate our faith's holiday (even if we do believe it is the only true faith) is a form of discrimination. how can we say that it's wrong for them to celebrate their holidays when the very thing we are afraid of is them saying it's wrong to celebrate ours?
thanks for the reminder that even if we disagree with others it gives us no right to degrade them!
"Happy Holidays" has been something that I have been saying for years. But, I live and work in and envrironment that is very PC. I think there is nothing wrong in saying "Merry Christmas" anymore than when I wish my Jewish friends a "Happy Chanukah." I do not worry if I have offended those with hearing distance. I do think that we (christians) have to be culturaly sensative to others and not be dogmatic on the issue of greetings, there are plenty of issues to be dogmatic about.
There are many religions in our culture and if wishing a person a generic "happy holidays" keeps the peace I do not think it to be different than when I wish someone a "good day" rather than a "blessed day." The relationship with the individual is ulitmately what matters. I am not going to win anyones heart with "Merry Christmas."
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