Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Spring seems to have finally arrived!

First the leaves of bulbs began pushing through the ground, breaking up the brown of winter. It felt like forever before anything else happened, but suddenly the daffodils began nodding golden heads, and I found a blooming cherry tree arching over the sidewalk as I jogged through my usual route. Hedges I never noticed before jumped from the landscapes, cloaking themselves in yellow forsythia blooms and inviting me to brush against them as I run by.

Now the colors have multiplied. Dogwoods aren't blooming yet, but are pushing purple buds out, giving the treeline a hint of life. Redbuds are in full force. Cherry and tulip trees are full of purples and pinks. Fields are bright with new grass. White blossoms fill bushes along neighborhood streets.

As the sun shines warmer, the days last longer, and the smells of life fill the air, I remember why this is one of my favorite times of year...


Anonymous said...

Grass is showing here along with the lingering snow!!

Hope said...

its hotter than heck out here in india... somehow i think ive never truly experienced "spring" just winters, monsoons, and in betweens.

slydegirll said...

Pearl - this is really random, but we met a couple of times at Megan and Eric Fisher's, and I know you peripherally through working with JCrew at LCBC, where your husband's taught a couple times on Sat nights. I work at hospice of Lancaster County, and I just gave you a very good reference because I've heard great things about you. Thought I'd let you know that you had an extra push. This is a great place to work - strict dress code, they won't like your nose piercing, but great benefits and lots of fun employee events!

marinouy said...

Hi, i'm from indonesia. I love ur writing, so simple but so beautiful... can't wait to read ur next posts :)

slydegirll said...

I would actually be training you if you started! well, not for volunteer things, but I'm an executive assistant for one of the VPs, and of the three executive assistants I've been there the longest and generally work with bunches of different people/departments. If you met the rather imposing Janet Carroll, I work directly for her and indirectly for any other manager in the building.Its a really fun place to work, particularly with the volunteer department (they're known as the 'chatty department' but they're great fun!)