Sunday, February 8, 2009

Last week missing snow, this week dreaming of gardens

So, a few days ago I was planning this funny post about the (sometimes crazy) things that I sometimes miss about the average 13 feet of snow back home in the UP:
  • The smell of snowblower exhaust
  • Cleaning your car off in the morning
  • Snowy roads
  • The sparkling like diamonds
  • Shoveling snow
  • Your eyes hurting because the sun on the snow is so bright
  • Walking through snow covered woods
But it's funny because right now we're having a warm spell here in PA, so now I'm dreaming of spring and gardens. Thursday it was in the teens, but yesterday was in the 50s and I worked in the garden in shorts.

Here's to sitting on the front porch in the sun, feeling the fresh air coming in an open window, listening to the birds singing, and planning this summer's veggies!


Anonymous said...

You can of course come here to enjoy the snow anytime! (and help us shovel, haha) Your hair looks great!

Kevin said...

I'm with you on the missing Spring thing - this weekend reminded me of what I love about the Spring and Summer in Michigan - it is so beautiful. I can't wait for the snow and cold to leave.

Hope said...

hehhe love it. i miss it too. its so freaking dusty here and its pretty cold most of the time, i wish it would warm up, or warm down. mornings are frigid but its just a dull dirty cold and no snow. ahhh nepal!