Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Starbucks-a familiar place

How much would you pay for a familiar experience? I just paid a ridiculous 110 crowns (approx $9) for a grande chai latte at the prague starbucks. I feel incredibly materialistic admitting that but at the same time am absolutely loving spending the morning chilling here. It's fun knowing that I could very brokenly order one of my favorite drinks in czech: "dobry den, grande chai caj bez vode prosim" (i.e. hello, grande chai tea without water please).

The things that make us happy...


Hope said...

thats ok i totally did that in asia a million times. familiariety can take us a long way back into the unfamiliar, and soon we are comfortable in both! cute hair and nosering by the way. : ) H
p.s. no worries bout the fasting. there are some serious fast-ers on my campus i have advice and help.

Kevin said...

I didn't pay much, but remember a small bag of Nacho Cheese Doritos that saved my life in Peru. The food had been so drab on a trip there, and then the salty, orange-ness of Doritos reminded me of home and flavor.