Monday, July 28, 2008

Stepping Out

I heard an amazing story the other day from a college student who came by my office.

She and a friend have been touched by the injustice of child sex trafficking in our world, so they are stepping out and actually doing something about it. They organized a whole golf tournament to raise the money to bring the band Ten Shekel Shirt in to play at their two colleges. Ten Shekel Shirt's shows will be raising awareness and funds for International Justice Mission and Love146, both organizations that are involved in working against the exploitation of children.

So often, I hear about something, but never do anything about it. But here's two girls who have decided to step out and do something. Because of this, hundreds of other college students will have a chance to learn about these issues and contribute to organizations that are working toward solutions.

How cool is that?

P.S. If you're in the area and want to participate in the golf tournament: or just holler and I can hook you up with info


Anonymous said...

That's very cool! We were just totally sick after watching Dateline NBC the other night when Gary Haugen (sp?) from IMJ was on. I'm glad these girls are stepping up and taking this on... they're making such a difference!!!!!

Lyn said...

Hi, have you heard of Gary Haugen's latest book Just Courage ( It might be something of interest to you as well..Thanks for posting this up as it is awesome to see other efforts to spread the awareness of human trafficking-Lyn from IJM HQ