Friday, May 16, 2008

Everyone should be able to stay home on rainy days

Life should just shut down, and we should all be able to stay home in our sweatpants. Then, you can relax and do whatever you feel compelled to do on rainy days:
  • Sleep as late, or get up as early as you feel like
  • Run in the rain, smelling that lovely wet pavement smell and feeling the water dripping off your hair and running down your face
  • Stay in comfy sweats all day
  • Tip a chair back on the porch and read
  • Make a cup of hot tea in your favorite pottery mug
  • Open the window and listen to the drops fall
  • Snuggle with someone you love
  • Sit on the couch and have a TV or movie marathon
Well, that's what I would like to do anyway. I love rainy days. Today has been incessantly gray and wet, so I really wasn't very motivated to be at work all day. I was going to share Henry Wadsworth Longfellow's poem "The Rainy Day" with you all because I imagined it was a lovely picture of how I felt about rainy days, but it's actually a rather depressed poem. I decided not to.

What would you do if rainy days were holidays?

1 comment:

m&p said...

move to Seattle in a heartbeat!!