Saturday, June 27, 2009

How Do You Stay Sane?

As you all have seen in my silence over the last few months, life is crazy right now. Being in school is an amazing thing but also has a way of sucking you into a giant black hole. ☺ Each day, I have to make choices about priorities. What relationship do I need to invest in? What homework must be done? What task at home is pressing? What is the next step for the launch of Pearl Street Photography? I’ve started realizing a few things: 1) I have to choose. Choose what I can and cannot do. Where I can invest and where I cannot. 2) I have to take small bites. Just accomplish one thing each day instead of trying to take on everything at once. 3) Take time to rest whether you think you have it or not. If you don’t, you won’t survive.

How do you prioritize your life and not only stay sane but also thrive in the midst of craziness? I would love to learn from you!


Anonymous said...

stay close to jesus

Tara said...

Hi Pearl! I struggle with this all the time. With a husband, 3 kids, full-time work, stuff I want to do, stuff I need to do, being a Christian, and everything else in life there's not enough time. I just try my best each day and what doesn't get done I try again tomorrow.