Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Creating Culture

Matt & I hopped on the train to NYC Friday to spend two days celebrating Matt's birthday. We both love taking trains, so this was a super fun experience all by itself. There's just something about having hours to watch scenery go by, think, read, watch movies. They just feel so adventurous. So romantic (and not in the guy/girl sort of way).

So Friday night we went to see the Blue Man Group live at their Astor Place Theater (first theater they ever performed in!). Seeing them was a dream of Matt's, so he was stoked, and I was pretty excited myself. They are this peculiar blend of band/comedians/artists/culture commentators. It is BEAUTIFUL. The creativity literally makes me cry as they bring beauty, reflection, and creation to the work around them. It's something that resonates deep inside of me.

Maybe because this is what we are all called to: to bring our unique art to the world around us. To not just react to things, but to create what we desire and hope for. To be fully engaged in the culture we find ourselves in, but reflecting on it, responding to it.

What is your art? Are you creating the culture you want to see rather than just reacting to what you don't want to see? How are you doing this?

It would take a while to put words to it, but it's amazing.

If you want to read about all our other super fun adventures trekking around the city, I'll let you read Matt's extensive blogs on it, complete with pics. His blog is the "matt" one in my links.

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